Tuesday 31 October 2017

The health benefits of eating white fish

 The health benefits of eating white fish are well documented. The NHS recommends at least two portions of fish a week for a healthy diet, including one portion of oily fish. Based on this advice, most of us could stand to include more fish in our diet – but what kind?
The two main kinds of fish are oily fish and white fish. Oily fish, like fresh tuna and salmon, is rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. These are important for a number of bodily functions, including maintaining a healthy heart, but research suggests that too much of these omega-3 fatty acids can have negative health impacts.

The bulk of Kenyan fish from fresh water lakes can be categorised as white fish. They include Tilapia and Nile Perch among others. These are locally referred to as Ngege and Mbuta respectively. White fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids, but in lower amounts than oily fish, making it a much more sustainable addition to a long-term diet plan. One can eat white fish as frequently as possible without the risk of accumulating excessive amounts of omega-3 fats.

There are a number of other reasons why white fish is a strong addition to your diet. Let’s look at five health benefits of eating white fish.
1. White fish is high in protein.
Protein is crucial for healthy cell growth, enabling your body to repair itself after an intense workout. If your goal is muscle gain, high protein intake is even more important. You won’t gain without it.
“The National Strength and Conditioning Association (N.S.C.A.) recommend that active people consume 0.4g to 0.6g per pound of bodyweight with as much as 0.8g for a competitive athlete. What is important to note is that with a higher overall activity level the requirement goes up.”
You can read more about how much protein you need to build muscle. As for the best sources, white fish is typically high in protein. On average, a 100g portion of cod contains 17.6g of protein, making it an ideal source to help you reach your muscle gain goals.
2. White fish is low in fat.
The health benefits of low-fat diets are well documented; low fat diets can help to lower your risk of a wide range of diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.
By substituting fattier meats or other “hero” food types with a portion of white fish, dieters can significantly reduce their fat intake without losing the protein and other vital nutrients. White fish in particular is lower in fat than many other kinds of fish: cod is an example of a lean, low-fat fish, perfect for helping to reach both fat loss and muscle gain goals.
3. White fish is rich in B vitamins.
As far as fitness is concerned, B vitamins’ biggest impact is the role they play in cell metabolism. B vitamins can actually increase the rate of your cell metabolism, helping your body to burn more energy and maintain a healthy weight. They also benefit your cells, improving everything from your skin to your immune system.
Fish is a good source of B vitamins. In particular, white fish tends to contain more B vitamins than dark fish. Enrich your body with our macro-balanced white fish fitness meal plans.
4. White fish is a great source of selenium.
Nutrition is important. While individuals only require a small amount of selenium in their diets, it plays a vital role in your body’s metabolism. Selenium also complements your B vitamin intake by benefitting your cells, improving everything from skin to hair. White fish is an easy way to get all the selenium your body needs.
5. White fish is rich in iodine.
Iodine is important for general health and wellbeing. It also strengthens thyroid function, which is responsible for regulating your metabolic rate. This is hugely important when it comes to health and fitness; your thyroid influences everything from body weight to energy levels.
Most individuals get their iodine from table salt, but fitness enthusiasts tend to avoid salt where possible, due to its impact on blood pressure levels. White fish solves this problem by providing all the iodine an individual needs to maintain their thyroid function and general health.

For good quality fish in Kenya (white fish: tilapia and nileperch), call 0720333740. 

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